October 9-16, 2022

The first Chicago Sukkah Design Festival (CSDF) took place in 2022 during the Jewish harvest festival of Sukkot, which is celebrated in part by building sukkahs (booths or huts) in which folks can eat, play games, and even sleep. While usually these structures are temporary, the sukkahs in the CSDF are meant for longterm use by the community partners, based in North Lawndale. For 2022, YMEN teamed with Human Scale; Stone Temple Baptist Church teamed with New Office; and Men Making a Difference and Open Books/North Lawndale Reads teamed with Made in Englewood and Chicago Design Office.

Stay tuned for information about the 2023 Chicago Sukkah Design Festival!

Home page: https://chicagosukkahfestival.org/


The Architect’s Newspaper: Chicago’s first-ever sukkah design festival seeks to do social good in an under-resourced neighborhood

CBS News Chicago: North Lawndale students learn about their neighborhood's Jewish heritage (with video)

Chicago Sun-Times: ‘A bridge to something greater’: Housing activists in North Lawndale unite with Jewish groups during fall harvest festival

WBEZ: What’s That Building? Sukkah Design Festival in North Lawndale (with 8:21 audio)