An exhibition
May 20-June 5, 2022
Hours: Fridays 4-6 pm, Saturday & Sunday 12-3 pm
Collaborative Statement
This spring, students at Latino Youth High School met weekly with Gloria Talamantes and the Lawndale Pop-Up Spot to envision a museum exhibition exploring the neighborhoods and cultures of North Lawndale and Little Village – aka South Lawndale. At the same time, teen members of the UCAN Peace Council met weekly to plan a youth peace summit connecting the two neighborhoods. These are two small parts of a much larger movement to connect the two Lawndales – a movement to overcome barriers and borders and mistrust, to bring peace and unity and camaraderie.
Andrea: I hope that throughout this journey we all learn to come together and express our similarities no matter how different we may be or grew up.
José: My favorite part of this journey was all the culture that surrounds our community that's ready to be discovered.
Kimberly: I hope people get inspired by the exhibit & I hope that they make their own movement to improve their community.
Lesley: We have been working on taking members from both communities of Lawndale and Little Village and turning their perspective into a visual piece.
Lidia: I learned that we’re separated by neighborhood and not culture.
Curation team: Abby, Ashley B., Ashley L., Brianna, Gloria, Jonathan, José, Lesley, Lidia, Kelly, Kimberly, Luis, Ricardo
Lawndale Poetry
Six of the Latino Youth High School students worked with instructor Luis Tubens of the Chicago Poetry Center to create poems connected to this project. The recorded poems are available on our website.
They hope their words, and the whole exhibit, can help bridge the divide with neighborhoods that share the same streets.
Lawndale Public Art
Both Lawndales have a rich variety of murals and other public art pieces that are integral to how we experience our neighborhoods. We have photos of many of them here, with more to come (as well as additional details). If you know of a public art piece you’d like to see here, send us a photo along with the location (and artist(s) if known) and we’ll add it! Email
Location: Homan Rails Farm, Homan Ave. & Fillmore St.

Location: Unity Park, 19th Ave. & Kostner Artist: @stylekillers
Artist @mr.pintamuro

Artist @mr.pintamuro

Location: BBF Family Services, Pulaski Ave. & 15th St.